905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada
905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada


Blog – What’s New at Hydrosphere The Pond Experts

News and new products at Hydrosphere The Pond Experts

Winter Pond Cover

Inside Our Winter Pond Cover  After some very cold days and nights, I thought I should check inside our winter pond cover to see how things were doing. Each winter, for the past several years, we cover our koi pond with a temporary greenhouse structure or winter pond cover. This simple structure is made with...
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tank wintering koi indoors

Wintering Koi Indoors?

Wintering Koi Indoors? Now Is The Time Thinking about wintering koi indoors this year? Last winter was so harsh that many people lost some or all of their koi and goldfish from to the extreme conditions. Judging by the reports from our local customers, the majority of people in Ontario suffered major fish losses in their...
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Koi and Goldfish Fish Food

Feed Your Fish a Spring and Fall Fish Food

Feed Your Fish a Spring and Fall Fish Food Spring and Fall Fish Food, Cold Water Fish Food – whatever you may call it has one thing in common – Wheat Germ. A wheat germ based food for koi and goldfish has exceptional digestibility, especially at low temperatures. This is very important in colder climates...
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pond netting

Pond Netting – Keep Leaves Out of Your Pond

Pond Netting – Keep Leaves Out of Your Pond Autumn is here and  although the changing colour of the leaves is beautiful, having them fall from the trees into your pond is is not. Any leaves that do get into your pond will release tannins (tannic acid) into the water which turn it a tea...
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Bucket of Frogs

Frog Relocation

Bucket O’ Frogs Just a picture of a nice bunch of frogs we collected from someone who was closing down their pond temporarily and wanted  to give their frogs a good home for the winter. We released these in to our plant ponds where they should be extremely happy.
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portable koi show tank / wintering koi indoors

Portable Koi Show Tanks / Quarantine Tubs in Stock

Portable Koi Show Tanks / Quarantine Tubs in Stock After such a harsh winter last year, you might be thinking about bringing your koi inside this year for the winter. If you don’t want to build a permanent tub to house them, then these portable fish tubs are the answer. These koi show tanks set up...
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35-40-cm Nissai Koi - Oyaji

Japanese Koi Are Through Quarantine & Ready For Sale

Our Japanese Koi Are Through Quarantine & Ready For Sale   Our Japanese koi that arrived in April are through quarantine and are available for sale except for the Kohaku & Showa from Hasegawa. The Hasegawa mix should be ready in another week  or so.
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premium cold water fish food Aquascape

Cool Water? Feed Your Fish a Spring & Fall Fish Food

Cool Water? Feed Your Fish a Spring & Fall Fish Food Water temperatures in most ponds are still quite cool, so it is best to feed a wheat germ based food, often referred to as spring & fall fish food / cold water fish food to your koi and goldfish. Why feed a wheat germ food...
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It’s Time To Hook Up Your Pump and Filter

It’s Time To Hook Up Your Pump and Filter If your pond has finally thawed, it’s a good time hook up your pump & filter. Getting your pump and filtration system running as soon as possible helps to improve water quality for your fish and gets your pond looking its best. Don’t forget to double...
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Shintaro Gosanke 16-20 cm Japanese Koi

Japanese Koi Shipment Pictures For 2014 Now Available

Japanese Koi Shipment Pictures For 2014 Now Available We have posted photos of our Japanese koi shipment that will be arriving this spring. There will likely be a few last minute changes to the availability between now and when the koi arrive, so check back regularly to see any updates. As always we will have...
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