Natural Phosphate Binder - 45 lbs
Treats a typical 1/4 acre pond for up to 4 months.
Natural Phosphate Binder is an all natural, plant based pond treatment designed to safely clear murky pond water by removing phosphates from ponds and lakes. EasyPro Natural Phosphate Binder works by binding reactive phosphorus at the molecular level and removing it from the water column rendering it unusable as a food source for algae and duckweed, and other submerged weeds.
Since phosphates can enter your pond from various sources like fish waste, fertilizer, tree leaves, grass clippings etc., regular use of Natural Phosphate binder will reduce algae growth resulting in clear water.
Safe for all aquatic life, pets, birds, livestock and use in recreational ponds used for swimming and fishing.
Apply 3 to 5 pounds of product per acre-foot of water. Best if used when water temperatures are above 10⁰ C / 50⁰ F.
Phosphate Binder can be used all season long. Best if mixed with pond water to make a slurry. Product can be slowly applied behind a prop driven boat. This helps mix product into pond. Can be applied up to 2x recommend rates. Multiple treatments per week can be used for murky water. Can be used in alternate weeks or at the same time along with other beneficial bacteria treatments.
Fish, Plant & Wildlife Friendly
When used in accordance with label directions Lake Phosphate Binder Packs are completely safe for your fish, plants, pets and pond wildlife.