For the real Koi lover it is not a surprise, as they already know about this event for ages. But it is always nice to know what you can expect with the next edition. Just continue reading on and you will find out.
The preparations of the show are currently going on (see: On 16, 17 and 18 August the 21st edition of the Holland Koi Show will be held at the Castle gardens in the small town of Arcen. The show seems to be bigger than ever and next to the Koi show there will be an aquarium, betta, bonsai and shrimp show. KoiQuestion will also have a booth and I will personnally give workshops about the recognition of quality and potential with (young) Koi throughout the weekend.
Also the Koi University will be filled with various presentations:
Friday 16 august:
09:30 Show open to the public
10:00 Start Judging major awards
11.00 Paul Souren: Keeping Koi by using the Shinji principles
13.30 Ying Ying Chung: Breeding Koi in Taiwan
15.00 Bernie Woollands: Judging Koi
18:00 Gates closed.
Saturday 17 august:
09:30 Show open to the public
10:00 Start Judging.
11.00 Ying Ying Chung: Breeding Koi in Taiwan
13.30 Jos Derks: Fish diseases
15:00 Paul Souren: Keeping Koi by using the Shinji principles
18:00 Gates closed.
20:00 Dinner @ Dance @Van der Valk Hotel, Venlo
Sunday 18 august:
09:30 Show open to the public
11.00 Christine Woolgar: Judging Koi
13.30 Ying Ying Chung: Breeding Koi in Taiwan
15:00 Jos Derks: Fishdiseases
16:00 Start price giving.
18:00 Gates Closed.
It promises to be a nice weekend. I hope to see you on the show and don’t forget to bring a visit to the KoiQuestion booth (C4 on the floor map) and the Musashi booth (G10-G13) for the workshops that I will give throughout the weekend.