Floating Pond Plant Protector - 24" Diameter
Are your floating pond plants getting eaten by your koi or goldfish? Keep them contained and protected with our Floating Pond Plant Protector. Floating pond plants like water hyacinths, water lettuce, floating fern, duckweed and azolla float freely in the pond and are easy targets for hungry koi and goldfish. Once the roots of plants like water lettuce and water hyacinths are eaten by fish, they never really recover and often wither and die. Our floating pond plant protector acts like a koi barrier safely protecting your plants from your fish.
Our floating pond plant protector is made from a high quality, fine polyethylene mesh that allows for water to flow through it, while maintaining a barrier between your plants and fish. Only the floating ring is visible at the surface, but it quickly gets covered by the leaves of the water hyacinths or water lettuce as they grow and expand. Our plant protectors also keep floating pond plants contained within the ring, preventing them from being drawn into pond skimmers or pulled under waterfalls.
Simply place the floating pond plant protector in the pond and it automatically floats on the surface of the water. You can let it float freely, or tie it to the edge of the pond or anchor it to thre bottom with a piece of string or fishing line to keep it exactly where you want.